Frugalicious Food

Humble and Hearty Bean Soup Recipes from Around the World

Some folks call bean soup “peasant food” but we call it thrifty and delicious. Check out these recipes with bean soups from around the world.

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Want High Quality, Affordable Food? Make Hay While the Sun Shines.

What is the key to providing your family with high-quality food at a reasonable price? Perhaps we can glean a lesson from medieval farmers. Let’s make hay while the sun shines.

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How to Use Online Carts for Comparison Shopping

Want to live as frugally as possible? Then you need to know how to get involved in comparison shopping without spending a fortune on gas. Here’s how.

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7 Ways to Eat Thrifty Homemade Pizza Every Single Day

Why pay big money for subpar pizza pumped full of preservatives when homemade pizza can be so much better? Here are 7 delicious ways to eat pizza.

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The Ultimate Frugal Casserole Formula

When you’re on a budget, a frugal casserole is a great way to make a little bit of food stretch further in a tasty way. Here’s how to make one with what you have on hand.

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The Frugalite’s Guide to Zucchini: Morning, Noon, and Night

Do you have zucchini growing out your ears? This versatile veggie can help you to save quite a bit of money on food! Here’s how to eat it for every meal.

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4 Easy Ways to Cook Rice

Looking for some easy ways to cook rice? It doesn’t do much good to store it away if you don’t know how to prepare it! We can help with 4 super-easy ways to prepare it.

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How to Cook Dry Beans from Scratch

Ever wondered how to cook dry beans? If you know how, you’ll know how to put cheap and nutritious food on the table. It isn’t nearly as intimidating as people make it sound. We’ll show you how.

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Saving with Staples: Oatmeal

Can you save money by incorporating more oatmeal into your daily diet? We think the answer is “yes.” See if you agree.

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Simple Spice Blends That Are Cheaper to Make Than Buy

Spice up your bland basics with these delicious simple spice blends. The DIY version is far cheaper than buying them already mixed.

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