Frugalicious Food

How to Make Sunflower Seed Pesto

The problem with pesto is pine nuts are expensive. For a budget-friendly, allergen-free option, Sunflower Seed Pesto may be your new favorite condiment.

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How to Make Your Own Bagels on the Cheap

Don’t want to spend $8 at the cafe for a breakfast bagel but still want to indulge? Here’s how to make your own on the cheap.

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What’s On Sale and In Season at the Grocery Store Every Month of the Year

Saving on food is easy with this calendar of what’s on sale and in season at the grocery store every month of the year.

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The Many Ways To Repurpose Household Items For Your Garden

If you can repurpose household items for gardening, you can not only grow more food, you can save more money as well. We’ll show you how.

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How to Use a Dehydrator to Save Money

Can a simple dehydrator in your kitchen help you to save money in the long run? You bet it can. Here are a few ways how…

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How to Spice Up Your Pasta in a Pinch

Pasta is one of the most Frugalite-friendly foods that there is. But nobody wants to eat the same flavor day in and day out! Spice it up!

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How to Save Money By Planting Perennials in Your Garden

Planting a garden can save you money, but can you save money AS you plant your garden? Absolutely. You can save money by planting perennials.

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How to Get the Majority of Your Protein on a Budget

Can’t afford the current price of meat due to inflation? Here are some ways to still get your protein on a budget.

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What’s the Cheapest Produce at the Grocery Store?

If you’re looking for the cheapest produce out there because you need to count your pennies, what should you choose? We did the math for you.

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Urban Foraging Can Save You Grocery Money

Urban foraging can be a fun, unique, and family-friendly means of saving a few bucks. Here’s how to get started.

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