Flat Broke

The “Whole Buffalo” Theory of Food Economics

Looking to save money? Then you need to apply the “whole buffalo theory” to your food economics! You’ll be surprised at the savings!

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How Radical Gratitude Can Help You Get Through Hard Times

As hard times smack you in the face and steal your wallet, is radical gratitude one of the things that can help you make it through?

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The Year of Suck (And How I Got Through It)

2023 didn’t work out so well for me. In fact, it was what I refer to as The Year of Suck. But it’s almost over and I have plans to make the future better.

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Trashed Treasures: How to DUMPSTER DIVE for Free Food

Want to learn how you can dumpster dive for free food? Read on for a complete guide to dumpster diving for beginners.

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How to Feel Full When Eating Less

When money is tight, there’s only so much we can put towards groceries. Here are some fantastic tips on how to feel full while eating less.

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Why People Who’ve Had Money Problems Can Give Great Advice

Are you having money problems and don’t know where to turn for help? Your very best source of information might be a broke person.

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What It’s Like When You Really Don’t Have One Dollar to Spare

Have you ever been so broke you didn’t have any money to spare – not so much as a single dollar? Here’s what it feels like to be in this position…and why you should have compassion for people who are.

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Here’s How I’m Adjusting to Lower Income and Higher Prices

Prices are up, paychecks are down, and something’s gotta give. Here’s how this writer is adapting to the financial double whammy.

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Things I Can Happily Live Without to Save BIG!

There are several things this author can easily and happily live without when it comes to saving money. Here are just a few of them.

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How To Help Others Through Difficult Financial Times

We are living in incredibly challenging times. Here are a few tips on how to help others cope and get through it.

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