
15 Ways I Use a Rotisserie Chicken: A Cheap and Easy Way to Meal Prep

I love a good rotisserie chicken! Not only are they tasty, they’re often Frugalite friendly. Here are 15 ways I make the most out of mine!

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7 Things You’re Probably Throwing Out that Can Save You Money in the Kitchen

These days, money is tight for everyone. Here are 7 kitchen scraps you’re probably throwing out that can be used to stretch your groceries!

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Is an Air Fryer Worthwhile for the Frugal Kitchen?

Do air fryers live up to the hype? Are they something you should add to your frugal kitchen? Here are the pros and cons.

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Cheap Chickpeas: 14 Ways to Prepare This Frugal Staple

The humble chickpea is about more than just hummus! Not only are they extremely versatile, but they’re also a nutritional powerhouse.

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The Ultimate Frugal Soup Formula

One of the best ways to stretch a meal is by taking a small amount of food and making soup. Here’s the formula to create the ultimate frugal soup!

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How a Bread Machine Can Save You Time and Money

Who doesn’t love a hot, fluffy loaf of bed, fresh from the oven, drenched in salted butter? A bread machine can make it yours, even if you’re tight on time and money.

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10 Ways to Make Mac and Cheese Magic

Boxed mac & cheese isn’t the healthiest food, but it’s cheap in a pinch. Here are 10 ways you can jazz it up, use it to extend leftovers, or feed a large family.

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The Ultimate Frugal Pasta Salad Formula

This thrifty food revolutionized our author’s weekday meals. Here, she shares her ultimate frugal pasta salad formula that you can customize based on what you have on hand.

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3 Thrifty Ways to Make Your Food Go Further

Wondering how to make the food you have feed more people while leaving them feeling full and satisfied? Here are 3 ways to make your food go further.

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How to Cook and Bake Without Eggs

Is the price of eggs getting you down? Have a dietary restriction? Here are a few frugal tips to help you bake and cook without eggs.

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