Miscellaneous Thrifticles

4 Ways to Save Money While Helping Our Planet

Being environmentally friendly doesn’t always have to cost you! Here are 4 ways to help the planet and save you money!

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4 More Easy Things I Do to Save Money

Saving doesn’t always have to be difficult. Here are 4 more easy ways that Colette puts money back for a rainy day.

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3 Easy Things I Do to Save Money

Saving doesn’t always have to be difficult. Here are three easy ways that Colette puts money back for a rainy day.

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12 Things People Don’t Buy Anymore Because It’s Just Too Darn Expensive

Nearly everyone is feeling the financial pinch and sometimes it’s nice to feel like we’re not alone. Here are 12 things folks are no longer buying.

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Smartphone to Flip Phone: Hacks to Keep on Savin’

Check out how this Frugalite copes in 2023 without a smartphone after switching to a flip phone 3 years ago.

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Things I Wish I Hadn’t Bought and Why

Have you ever made purchases you regretted? Colette shares her list of “Things I Wish I Hadn’t Bought” and it’s so relatable!

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moving boxes

Here’s How to Cut Costs While Moving

Moving can get expensive, here are some great tips from this Frugalite on how to save money during your next move.

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31-derful Uses for an Extra Mason Jar

Want to repurpose your old Mason jar you’re not ready to part with? This Frugalite came up with 31 ways to use it.

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Broken Things I Own that Still Work (and Save me Money!)

There is freedom in the capacity to love broken things. Save the money, appreciate the function and remember that beauty can co-exist with imperfection.

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10 Random Things I Do to Save Money

We believe that little habits add up over time. In this article, Colette shares some of the random small actions she takes to save money.

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