
The Cheapest Way to Cook: Stove, Instant Pot, Microwave, or Crock Pot?

Have you ever wondered what is the cheapest way to cook? Let’s use a simple pot of beans to see if it can’t tell us the answer here.

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10 Tasty Ways to Save Time with Breaded Chicken

Breaded boneless chicken cutlets or strips are an incredibly versatile meal starter that can save you both time and money. Here are 10 tasty ideas.

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7 Tasty Ways to Eat Canned Vegetables – Really!

If your heart does not go pitter-patter at the idea of opening a can of veggies, here are seven thrifty recipes that might change your mind.

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Frugal Winter Vegetables and How the Heck to Prepare Them

Try adding some potentially unfamiliar winter vegetables like turnips, rutabagas, and celeriac to your diet. They’re good for your health and your grocery budget.

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5 Insanely Delicious Thrifty Things to Make with Crushed Tomatoes

Canned crushed tomatoes are the thrifty basis of many delicious and hearty meals. Here are 5 of my favorite ways to use them.

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Hey There, Pumpkin: 4 Frugal Fall Feasts

If you like to carve your Jack’O’Lantern just before Halloween so you can enjoy that pumpkin-y goodness, do we have some ideas for you! Check out these tasty pumpkin recipes to put them front and center on your table.

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How to Make Scalloped Potatoes à la Leftover with Whatever’s in the Fridge

Got leftovers? Got potatoes? Let us introduce you to Scalloped Potato à la Leftover, a delicious, thrifty leftover catch-all.

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7 Ways to Eat Thrifty Homemade Pizza Every Single Day

Why pay big money for subpar pizza pumped full of preservatives when homemade pizza can be so much better? Here are 7 delicious ways to eat pizza.

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The Ultimate Frugal Casserole Formula

When you’re on a budget, a frugal casserole is a great way to make a little bit of food stretch further in a tasty way. Here’s how to make one with what you have on hand.

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4 Easy Ways to Cook Rice

Looking for some easy ways to cook rice? It doesn’t do much good to store it away if you don’t know how to prepare it! We can help with 4 super-easy ways to prepare it.

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