12 Ways to Save Money with Reusable Stuff in a Disposable World

Did you ever stop to think about how many disposable things you buy? Here are 12 things you can buy once and reuse indefinitely.

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vehicle on coins

A Cautionary Tale About Catastrophic Vehicle Expenses

This Frugalite's story can help us bring some serious insight on how to financially prepare for any possible issues with your vehicle.

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How to Create a Budget…and Stick to It

Creating a budget is actually pretty easy.  Figure out how much is coming in and how much is going out. Sticking to the budget? That's the tough part.

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150+ Ways to Save Money in the New Year

Get 150+ creative ideas on living thrifty, eating great food, special occasions, and DIYs to help you save money in ways you never even thought about!

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The Year of Suck (And How I Got Through It)

2023 didn't work out so well for me. In fact, it was what I refer to as The Year of Suck. But it's almost over and I have plans to ...

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Channel Your Cheap Barista: Frugal Tips for Fancy Coffee

Do you love fancy coffee but hate the fancy price? Here's how to channel your cheap barista and set up a home coffee bar to make your own.

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How to Prepare for a Frugal 2024

Now is a great time to do a year end assessment of the previous year and set goals for a frugal 2024! Here's how to do it.

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Cheap Eats: Stretch Your Budget with Thrifty $1 Meals

"Cheap Eats" are thrifty unglamorous meals that are reasonably filling, quick to make, (cooking utilities add up too), and less than a dollar per serving.

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When Is It Worth It to DIY Bodywork on Your Car?

Is DIY bodywork for you? This Frugalite reveals how she has learned to do her own bodywork...and how much money she's saved in the process.

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How Christmas Giving Can Create Generous Children

Christmas can make some kids greedy. But here's how the holidays helped me raise my children to be kind and generous.

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