How to Have a Frightfully Frugal Halloween

Do you know what’s really scary about Halloween? How much money some people spend on it! It doesn’t have to be that way with these frightfully frugal tips!

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86 Ways to Use White Vinegar in Your Home

Cleaning sprays start to add up in price. What’s a good way to avoid all the unnecessary purchases? Vinegar! Check out all these ideas.

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How a Bread Machine Can Save You Time and Money

Who doesn’t love a hot, fluffy loaf of bed, fresh from the oven, drenched in salted butter? A bread machine can make it yours, even if you’re tight on time and money.

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Frugal Downsizing: How To’s and Thrifty Tips

Downsizing isn’t easy, whether you’re moving, or clearing out a storage unit. This Frugalite gives some of her best tips for the process!

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Nifty Thrifty Things to Do with Tortillas

Tortillas can be used in a wide variety of ways that go far beyond the taco. Here’s some of the fabulous fare you can create with the humble tortilla.

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Cheap by Choice: When Frugality Means Freedom

Hard-core frugality is not just making a choice to buy the generic laundry soap instead of a jug of Tide.  Hard-core frugality means freedom.

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Growing Older on a Budget: Tips from an Aging Frugalite

Who knew that aging costs money? Well, get older and you’ll find out! Here are some great tips to do it on a budget.

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14 Amazing Meals to Make with Thrifty Canned Tomatoes

Canned tomatoes are a cheap staple you can find in any store. Check out this article to see what you can make with them.

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Shopping at Costco: Things to Consider Before Signing Up

We’ve talked about spending more to save more on this site in the past. This writer goes into detail about her Costco buys!

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two people saving for challenge

Take the Frugalite Skills Challenge: Frug Up for the Future

Some things are easier when you turn them into a game. Check out our challenge list to get better ideas to gamify saving money!

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