Things I Wish I Hadn’t Bought and Why

Have you ever made purchases you regretted? Colette shares her list of “Things I Wish I Hadn’t Bought” and it’s so relatable!

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Top Tips for a Comfortable Long-Distance Train Trip

This Frugalite recently had to take a trip via train. Here’s what she did to stay comfortable and save money!

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moving boxes

Here’s How to Cut Costs While Moving

Moving can get expensive, here are some great tips from this Frugalite on how to save money during your next move.

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How to Feel Full When Eating Less

When money is tight, there’s only so much we can put towards groceries. Here are some fantastic tips on how to feel full while eating less.

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31-derful Uses for an Extra Mason Jar

Want to repurpose your old Mason jar you’re not ready to part with? This Frugalite came up with 31 ways to use it.

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How to Change a Lock Yourself and Save Money

Do you know how to change a lock? You can save a whole lot of money by learning to do it yourself instead of calling out a locksmith. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

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Five Healthy Foods That Save you Money

Eating healthfully on a budget is hard to do, especially in this economy. This author has some great tips on how to save, while eating right.

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Entertainment on a Shoestring Budget

Entertainment doesn’t have to cost money! In this article, Colette shares some of the thrifty ways she enjoys herself on a shoestring budget.

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art supplies

Eco-friendly, Reusable Art Supplies for Frugalites

This author is very experienced in the art department, and she has some frugal-icious reusable art supplies for us! Check out these ideas!

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How to Sharpen Drill Bits and Save Money

The drill is arguably the tool that people use most, and that being the case, it makes sense to do what you can to make it so that it is as inexpensive to run as possible. Here’s how to sharpen your drill bits.

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