The Quick Fix Ultimate Frugalite Oatmeal Mix

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Hello to all my Frugalites (both new and advanced), reading this today. I am here to talk to you today about one of my favorite breakfasts. Oatmeal!

Now I know, some of you may be thinking, bleh, no, I hate that stuff, or it’s so bland and boring, or, for those who eat the pre-flavored quick oats, loaded in sugar. Well, I’m going to share some awesome ways you can add oats to your menu, in an affordable, tasty, and healthy way.

In my house growing up, I remember eating a lot of oatmeal. It was often just simple and for breakfast, but for a kid, it was a great start to any day, especially a school day where we had hours to wait until lunch, and we needed something that would keep us full and satisfied until then.

First, let’s talk about the benefits of oats for a minute

Oats are cheap! These ones are a great price, especially for name-brand, however, My local grocery store will often have big bags of off-brand oats for dirt cheap. While there are many different types of oats, the ones I recommend and am basing my article on are “quick” or “instant” oats. These come unflavored, and the only ingredient should be steel-cut, or rolled oats.

Since they’re packed full of fiber, oats make for a very filling breakfast. On my busier days, it’s what I eat in the morning, because I know I won’t be hungry for hours.

They’ve got a variety of nutrients including magnesium, antioxidants, protein and so much more.

The basics of cooking oatmeal

Regular oatmeal can take up to 20 minutes on the stove, however, the quick oats that I mentioned early are much more time-efficient. A big reason as to why I love them so much.

My go-to equation is half a cup of quick oats, half a cup of liquid, stir, and microwave for one minute to a minute and a half. If you don’t use a microwave, boil your liquid then pour it over the oatmeal mix and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Some people add a tiny pinch of salt.

Now, my personal preference is to use milk. I just like the creaminess it provides, but water or plant milk can be used just as well and is still very delicious (or any combo of these.)

And that’s it. What did I tell you? Super easy, right?

Now Lets Spice it Up

There are so many ways you can spice up this delicious breakfast, and I’ll list a few.

Add some fruit. Some great options that work really well are;

  • A mashed-up half to a whole banana
  • Blueberries
  • Diced Strawberries
  • Peaches (canned, and fresh both work)
  • Half an apple diced small with a little cinnamon

Dried fruit works too. I will often add raisins or dried cranberries. You can also add your favorite nuts and seeds for extra protein and nutrients. My two favorite are pumpkin seeds, almonds, and walnuts.

Now, if you’re like me, you probably also have a sweet tooth. With some of these (like the mashed banana and a dash of cinnamon), I’m perfectly content. For others, I find they just need a little more sweetness.

Here are some things I might add to sweeten things up a little;

  • 1 tsp. brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. maple syrup
  • 1 tsp. white sugar.
  • 2 tsp. honey

Some other things that are a great add-in;

  • 2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
  • a handful of chopped nuts (Almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.)
  • dried fruit, such as rasins, cranberries, pineapple, apricot, etc.
  • chocolate chips

Make your own packets.

If you buy those little packets to save time, note that you can very easily make your own. Make a whole bunch all at once with different flavors.

To save time, make your own packets in ziplock bags. Simply include your desired amount of oats and dry add-ins, then add liquid at serving time. Use a Sharpie to write the flavor on the baggie and the amount of liquid needed so that others in the household can easily make their own.

It doesn’t stop there.

While oatmeal can make a great breakfast or snack, there are also some other great uses for it in your every day life.


I will often add a 1/4 cup of my quick oats into my smoothies when I make them. You don’t really notice a difference when drinking it, however, I find the extra fiber helps to make the smoothie more filling and keep you fuller longer.

A Binding Agent

Oats also make a great binding agent! Whether you’re making meatloaf, meatballs, burgers, or some other delicious concoction, try switching out your bread crumbs or crushed crackers for some quick oats. It’s what we do in my house hold. I find it makes a great and cheaper substitute.


Instead of a pie, try a crumble. Forget rolling out dough, just mix a little butter, oats and hint of brown sugar and sprinkle the mix over your fruit pie instead.

Switch up your cookies. Try taking your classic or favorite cookie recipe and switch half the flour it calls for into an equal amount of quick oats (i.e. turn 1 cup flour into 1 cup oats). I find that when doing this, it gives you a nicer softer cookie, and again, with the added fiber, makes it that much more satisfying.

Wrapping it Up

I know there are just so many ways to utilize oats on a regular basis, and I’ve just barely touched on the subject. Oats, especially the quick kind are just such a versatile food, it’s hard to go wrong! They work great in breakfast, dinners, snacks, desserts and so much more. The possibilities are truly endless!

I want to hear from you though. How do you use oats? Do you use it in any other recipes than the ones I listed? What’s your go to kind? Is it quick oats like mine?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

The Quick Fix Ultimate Frugalite Oatmeal Mix
Picture of Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan grew up living with a tight budget. In her late teens and early 20’s all the lessons she’d learned started to slip, like it does for many college age students on their own for the first time, and with their first credit card. As she’s gotten older, she’s started to deal with the repercussions and has taken on a frugal way of living, keeping her costs low, as she pays off debt and saves for her future. Chloe lives in Northern Ontario, Canada, with her cute dog, Rhea.

12 thoughts on “The Quick Fix Ultimate Frugalite Oatmeal Mix”

  1. I’m trying to read this on my IPad. I can’t imagine what it would look like on a smartphone, because I can’t read it on the iPad. The type is too light and too small.

    1. Hi Dot, the article reads fine on my iPhone. Perhaps could be a tiny bit darker but I hadn’t thought about it. My eyes aren’t all that great. Maybe I’m just used to reading books and everything else on a phone.

  2. About 10 years ago when my cholesterol went up (and having a strong family history of it), I made a deal with my doctor that I would get my levels down by incorporating oatmeal into my diet so that I could stay away from statins. I use steel cut oats and incorporate all of the above suggestions to make it taste palatable. Initially the thought of oatmeal made me gag. Now I absolutely LOVE it. The only problem I have is that within 2 hours of eating a hearty bowl of steel cut oats with all the trimmings, I am starving again.

  3. Great article. It’s helpful to be reminded of oatmeal. I would love to see an oatmeal breakfast cookie recipe and a crockpot oatmeal meatloaf recipe. I’m new and not sure if this blog does frequent recipes. I can play around with it on my own but I tend to ruin everything I put in a crockpot. Thanks.

  4. Aaaaaaah, oats. I’ve made savory oats before by making them with stock and adding chopped vegetables and savory herbs to them, making a dinner type thing. One of my favorite ways is to make it with apple and cinnamon – I have kind of unique way of doing it though.
    I take my apple and dice it up fairly finely. I cook half the apple in with the oats and some cinnamon, microwave or stovetop, it doesn’t matter. Then when I have sweetened/seasoned it to my liking and the oatmeal is cooked, I mix in the raw apple, and eat it like that. Makes a nice combination of textures and flavors and doesn’t kill all the vitamin C in the apple!

  5. i’m not crazy about sweets for breakfast, so i cook my oatmeal with half water and half milk, with a pat of butter and a pinch of salt and pepper. when it’s cooked i often add a palmful of (roasted and salted) sunflower seeds–they add some crunch, and boost the protein content considerably. sometimes i cook a couple of patties of breakfast sausage separately, then cut them up and mix with the cooked oats, along with some pepper. nice savory breakfasts.

  6. I use oat milk in my coffee…the secret is to use very cold water when making the milk and I use a tea strainer instead of cheese cloth. I always throw in some turmeric and a pinch of salt. I also only make naan with oat milk: it improves the texture! Sometimes I roast oats in a relatively hot pan with coconut oil and then add chia seeds at the end. Adding salt makes the oats sweet so it makes a great treat…it’s especially good with yoghurt:) I also give my dog and ducks oatmeal.

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