6 Ways to Save Money with Regular Vehicle Maintenance
Regular vehicle maintenance can save you a tidy sum in mechanic bills down the road. Here are six ways to ensure that money stays with YOU.
Regular vehicle maintenance can save you a tidy sum in mechanic bills down the road. Here are six ways to ensure that money stays with YOU.
Did you know there are ways to save money PLANNING your vacation? If you wing it, you could waste some serious cash! Here's what to do...
Gasoline is expensive. Learn how to save money by boosting your car's fuel efficiency with these simple tricks.
Kids' clothes can cost a family a small fortune. The Frugalite family needs to know how to save cash here. In this article, we'll show you how.
Looking to save money in the kitchen? Check out our frugal Dutch oven bread recipe! It costs all of $1.25 to bake!
Looking for a frugal way to entertain your kids this Saturday? Why not try building a geocache? Here's how.
How can you afford college tuition without having to live in a box? Is it possible to tackle college on the cheap? We'll show you how.
How do you save money on your mail? Here are a couple of tried-and-tested techniques you've likely never heard about.
Love reading, but trying to watch your budget? eBooks may be the solution! Here are our top sources for free eBooks...
If you're looking for a career change, but have bills to pay, just know that you can learn a trade on the cheap. This author has done it. Here are ...
Don’t avoid the sun – bask in it, get Vitamin D safely, and boost your immune system and your happiness while lowering your risk of multiple diseases.
Sometimes money problems can linger because people believe certain fallacies to be true. Here are 7 lies that perpetually broke people tell themselves about money.
Do you enjoy saving a buck more than most people? Here are 25 signs that you might be a frugal living rock star! How many of them apply to you?
“Cheap Eats” are thrifty unglamorous meals that are reasonably filling, quick to make, (cooking utilities add up too), and less than a dollar per serving.