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The High Cost of a Cheap Contractor and Tips to Prevent Problems

There are lots of horror stories of how a bad contractor can run up costs on a project. Here’s how to avoid some of the most common pitfalls.

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6 Thrifty Ways to Thrive During Winter

Wintertime presents us with challenges not present during other seasons. Here’s how to stay thrifty, cozy, safe, and thriving during winter.

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12 Ways to Save Money with Reusable Stuff in a Disposable World

Did you ever stop to think about how many disposable things you buy? Here are 12 things you can buy once and reuse indefinitely.

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When Is It Worth It to DIY Bodywork on Your Car?

Is DIY bodywork for you? This Frugalite reveals how she has learned to do her own bodywork…and how much money she’s saved in the process.

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Festive Fall Decorating on a Dime

Show off your harvest season-best and make your home warm, cozy, and inviting for Thanksgiving with festive fall decorating on a dime.

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86 Ways to Use White Vinegar in Your Home

Cleaning sprays start to add up in price. What’s a good way to avoid all the unnecessary purchases? Vinegar! Check out all these ideas.

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Toilet Paper Economics: A Crash Course

Cutting costs on essential items is almost impossible in this economy. Here’s how we can lower our own toilet paper expenses!

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How to Save Money By Being Your Own Painter

Hiring a painter can be very expensive. Here are some Frugalite-friendly tips on being your own painter on a budget.

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moving boxes

Here’s How to Cut Costs While Moving

Moving can get expensive, here are some great tips from this Frugalite on how to save money during your next move.

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How to Change a Lock Yourself and Save Money

Do you know how to change a lock? You can save a whole lot of money by learning to do it yourself instead of calling out a locksmith. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

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