
Empty Bread Bag? Here Are 4 Tasty, Frugal Bread Alternatives

What do you do when you run out of bread, and you can’t get to the store? Here are 4 tasty and frugal bread alternatives to help.

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The 5 Pillars of My No to Low Cost Beauty Routine

These days, it seems like there are more beauty products than ever and they’re EXPENSIVE! Here are 5 tips for a No to Low Cost Beauty Routine.

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How to Get a Sweet Deal on a Used Car

When her previous car suddenly stopped running, our thrifty author had to find another within her budget. In this article, she shares her best tips for getting a sweet deal on a used car.

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When to Say Goodbye to an Old Car

Getting the most out of an old car means driving with no payment and limiting the money you’re willing to spend on repairs. It also means knowing when to say goodbye.

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How to Build a Fence on a Shoestring Budget

Even if you don’t need to build a fence, you can surely find frugal inspiration in this story. Colette shares how she built a garden-saving fence on a shoestring budget.

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Tips For Coffee Connoisseurs on a Budget

Are you a coffee connoisseur on a budget? Here are a few tips on how to brew some high-quality morning goodness and still keep within your budget.

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Cooking and Money Saving Tips For the Single Chef

Cooking when you are single can be challenging, even if the motivation is there. Our author shares her best cooking and money-saving tips.

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Save Money and Travel Safely With a Portable Air Compressor

No one likes dealing with flat tires or the cost to fix them. Here our author reveals how she keeps flats to a minimum with this portable gadget.

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Save Money by SPENDING it on Preventative Dental Care

Money was tight so the author of this article decided to save money by NOT going to the dentist. Wrong move. Here’s what happened as a result of neglecting her dental health.

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How to Save Money With a Flip Phone (*gasp)

Do you really need that super expensive smartphone with all the overpriced extras? Here’s how this author happily saves money every month with (gasp) a flip phone.

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