Daisy Luther

Welcome to Your Frugal Backyard Staycation

When most people are hitting the road to go on an expensive holiday, frugal families are considering staycations instead. Here are some ideas to give your kids something cool to write about in their inevitable “what I did last summer” essay and some ways for adults to relax and recharge, too.

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25 Frugal Coffee Creamer Recipes for Broke Coffeeholics

Do you love adding a splash of something to your java in the morning but need to watch the budget? Check out these frugal coffee creamer recipes…

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The “Whole Buffalo” Theory of Food Economics

Looking to save money? Then you need to apply the “whole buffalo theory” to your food economics! You’ll be surprised at the savings!

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10 Ways to Cope with High Gas Prices

Struggling to make ends meet due to high gas prices? Here are a few helpful tips that will help you to make do.

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A Weekly Replenishing Routine Makes Me Happy and Grateful

A weekly replenishing routine can set up the week ahead for success and comfort, and it’s also a practice in gratitude.

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5 Ways Small Homes Can Save You BIG Money

Living in a small home can be very thrifty. Here are five ways that squeezing into small home living can save you big bucks.

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How Getting Organized with The Home Edit Saves Me Money

I recently started organizing my apartment with a thrifty version of The Home Edit and I love it. Bonus: Here’s how it saves me money.

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Is an Air Fryer Worthwhile for the Frugal Kitchen?

Do air fryers live up to the hype? Are they something you should add to your frugal kitchen? Here are the pros and cons.

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5 Ways to Downsize and Save Money

If money is tight, try one of these clever ways to downsize and see how much money you can save every single month.

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5 Ways City Living Can SAVE You Money

Common wisdom is that city living is outrageously expensive and filled with pricey pitfalls. But a savvy urbanite can save a lot of money by taking advantage of a lifestyle that is only available in more populous places.

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