
When Is It Worth It to DIY Bodywork on Your Car?

Is DIY bodywork for you? This Frugalite reveals how she has learned to do her own bodywork…and how much money she’s saved in the process.

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A Frugalite Holiday Wish List (and Wish NOT List!!!)

There are some things this Frugalite wishes that she’d get for Christmas. But she also has a wish-not list that you may totally agree with! Check out Colette’s wish and wish-not list!

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The Worst Financial Mistake of My Life

When this author looks back at her life, there’s one major financial mistake that would have changed everything if she hadn’t made it.

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How to Get Free or Low-Cost Legal Advice

Lawyers are notoriously expensive. Here are some tips for getting free or low-cost legal advice when you need it.

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Ways to Limit Funeral Expenses

Losing a loved one is hard. It’s even more tough when you’re focused on the financial stress of it, rather than simply grieving. Here are some tips to save money during this difficult time.

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Frugal Downsizing: How To’s and Thrifty Tips

Downsizing isn’t easy, whether you’re moving, or clearing out a storage unit. This Frugalite gives some of her best tips for the process!

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Growing Older on a Budget: Tips from an Aging Frugalite

Who knew that aging costs money? Well, get older and you’ll find out! Here are some great tips to do it on a budget.

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two people saving for challenge

Take the Frugalite Skills Challenge: Frug Up for the Future

Some things are easier when you turn them into a game. Check out our challenge list to get better ideas to gamify saving money!

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Smartphone to Flip Phone: Hacks to Keep on Savin’

Check out how this Frugalite copes in 2023 without a smartphone after switching to a flip phone 3 years ago.

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Toilet Paper Economics: A Crash Course

Cutting costs on essential items is almost impossible in this economy. Here’s how we can lower our own toilet paper expenses!

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