
My Frugal Christmas on a Budget

Trying to celebrate a merry, frugal Christmas this year? We are too! Come check out our ideas on how to celebrate Christmas on a budget.

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Getting Ready for Winter Driving on a Budget

Winter driving needs to be taken seriously. Part of that is ensuring you have the tools for the job. Here’s how to do this on a budget!

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How Manual Kitchen Appliances Save You Money

Manual kitchen appliances still work when the lights go out AND they save you money. Here are the manual kitchen appliances you need to keep cooking!

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Why Fast Fashion Isn’t Frugal

That inexpensive outfit might not be much of a bargain in the long run. In a world filled with fast fashion, look for “slow” fashion finds and you could save a lot of cash by getting things that will last and last.

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8 Thrifty Ways to Save Money on Gas

With high gas prices looking like they’re here to stay, some preventative maintenance and other tricks can help you save money on gas

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5 Free Things You Can Do for Your Health Every Single Day

Here are five free things you can do for your health every day without spending a penny and taking only a little bit of time.

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What is Wealth? A FREE Frugalite Meditation

“What is wealth?” Here’s a meditation with some eye-opening perspectives for those who may be facing difficult times.

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Thrifty Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen 2: Ginger and Olive Oil

In this installment of Thrifty Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen, Colette shares her experience with the anti-viral properties of olive oil and ginger.

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How to Thrive Living Without a Car Both in the City and the Country

Many people don’t own vehicles and adapt to living without a car. Colette shares how she thrived living without a car in both the city and the country.

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7 Strategies to Save Money on Rent

With rents going higher and higher nationwide, these 7 strategies to save money on rent can lessen the financial burden.

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