7 Thrifty Things About Spring Cleaning

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you’ll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

When you think about spring cleaning do you think about frugality?

Well, maybe you should.

Here are all the good things about a spring-cleaning binge and here’s a link to some thrifty DIY cleaning supplies you can make for your clean-up.

It helps you get healthy.

During the winter, our homes get full of things like germs, viruses, dander, pet fur, and dust. When you open the windows to let the fresh air in, scrub every square inch, and get into all the nooks and crannies, not only will your home smell fantastic, but you’ll get rid of all those nasty things that can make you sick.

If you have allergy or asthma sufferers in your home, this is particularly vital. After cold and flu season, airing out your home is essential to help your household be healthier.

Your belongings last longer when they’re cleaned.

One of the best passive ways to save money is to make sure that your things don’t have to be replaced all the time. By vacuuming and shampooing upholstery, washing walls, cleaning the dust from the backs of electronics, laundering curtains, and airing out rugs, you’ll get rid of the debris that causes wear and tear. As well, when you lay hands on everything, you can often find easily repaired damage that would only get worse as time goes on.

You can declutter at the same time.

If you’re like me, there are always things you can get rid of. (And I only moved a year ago! *hangs head in shame*) Decluttering can help you make room for supplies that are more important, like food bought on sale, a haul from couponing, or equipment for DIY projects.

Your decluttering can bring in money, too.

When we declutter, we plan a yard sale within a week or so of our deep clean. All the things we no longer want are put in the yard sale, and anything that doesn’t sell is donated. Use this money to fund your emergency account or to purchase supplies at a bulk discount. We’ve had sales where we only made a hundred bucks or so, but generally we make $500 or more getting rid of things we no longer want or use.

Being more organized will save you money.

I know, it sounds ridiculous, but think about all the times you have had to buy something because you misplaced the one you knew you had…somewhere. When you go through all your things, be organized about putting them away and, if you’re anything like me, you will find loads of things you forgot you even had. Better yet, you won’t run into those frustrating moments when the missing item turns up the moment after you rip the tags off the one you bought as a replacement.

Being organized will also save you time.

How much time do you spend looking for misplaced items every year? I know I spend a fair bit of time that could be used much more productively. When everything has a home (and is in it) then you can quickly locate any supplies you need and you won’t need a “quick” trip to the store where you’ll be faced with the cost of a new item and all sorts of other temptations.

It’s good for the soul.

Think about how great you feel when your home is impeccable, fresh-smelling, and tidy. It’s the best, right? That boost in mood will also provide a boost in energy that could inspire you to get even more projects done. Many people find that getting their place thoroughly clean and organized helps them stay motivated to keep it that way.

Let’s start scrubbing!

I know that it just isn’t spring for me unless I’ve given our home a good once-over, had our annual yard sale, and organized my house from top to bottom. It is a great start to my favorite part of the year – the warm part when I can have a garden!

What about you? Do you enjoy spring cleaning? What’s your favorite part? Share your thoughts in the comments.

7 Thrifty Things About Spring Cleaning
Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is an author and blogger. She's the single mom of two daughters and credits extreme frugality and a good sense of humor for her debt-free lifestyle. She is the author of numerous books, the editor of TheOrganicPrepper.com, and is the founder of a small digital publishing company in the emergency preparedness niche.

1 thought on “7 Thrifty Things About Spring Cleaning”

  1. During this time at home because of Covid, I’ve gone through closets and organized to the point that I think I know where every single item of MINE is in the house. Hubby thinks I should know where he puts his stuff, but unless I stuffed it in a designated drawer for him, it’s probably lost out in the garage. We also moved into a new home last year, and I’m doing my best at keeping it look new. I’ve already used touch up paint to cover a few places that got scraped when we moved in. I’m trying to stay on top of it instead of waiting to have a big job. Even tho I don’t mop my kitchen floors as often as others might, when I see a spill, or a dried up spot of something, I grab a rag and clean it up right there. Oh…and also, we take our shoes off when we walk in the door. It’s amazing the dirt it keeps from coming inside.

    If we just take care of what we have, it will last longer, and if we decide to move on, will hopefully give it a better resale value.

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