Why Paying Off Credit Card Debt Is NOT Always the Best Use for Your Money
Here's some unpopular advice. Paying off credit card debt fast is not always the best option for those in dire straits. It differs from case to case.
Here's some unpopular advice. Paying off credit card debt fast is not always the best option for those in dire straits. It differs from case to case.
There are two things that make all the difference in the world during the holidays and into the New Year. 1) Making a budget and 2) Sticking to it.
Going through life without an emergency fund is like getting on a tiny little plane without any parachutes. Here are some real life examples of how an emergency fund saved ...
There are a million websites out there dedicated to helping you make more money, but even more important, in many cases, is saving money. Here's why.
Employer-provided health plans have outrageous premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums, and we often receive little benefit in return. These 4 options may be more affordable than your employer's plan.
Are you in debt? The Snowball Method is a snazzy little financial trick that can help you get out of debt as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Small hidden fees - between $10 and $20 - can add up and can pose a financial strain for many families, adding thousands in additional expenses. Here's how to protect ...
Budgeting can be hard, but it doesn't have to be! Here are my best tips and tricks to stick to a budget and why you should!
In a world where everyone sells their items online, here are 9 ways to sell things that don't require an internet connection.
If money is tight, try one of these clever ways to downsize and see how much money you can save every single month.
If you’ve got more month than money, here are 50 tasty ways to eat the food in your pantry when you can’t go buy groceries.
Don’t avoid the sun – bask in it, get Vitamin D safely, and boost your immune system and your happiness while lowering your risk of multiple diseases.
Do you enjoy saving a buck more than most people? Here are 25 signs that you might be a frugal living rock star! How many of them apply to you?
“Cheap Eats” are thrifty unglamorous meals that are reasonably filling, quick to make, (cooking utilities add up too), and less than a dollar per serving.