
The Economics of Making Your Own Mushroom Tincture

Making your own mushroom tincture can save you thousands if you normally buy it instead. Here is the Frugalite guide to making your own.

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How I Saved BIG By Taking Control of My Own Dental Care

You can still save big money on your dental care and have healthy teeth without accepting every preventative treatment tossed your way. Here’s how our author did it.

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How to Go Gluten-Free Without the Billion Dollar Big Food Rip-Off

How do you go gluten-free without the billion-dollar ripoff Big Food likes to push? Here’s how to get around this racket and eat without wheat even if you’re on a budget.

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What to Eat When You’re Broke (But You Still Want Healthy Food)

You can’t always afford to plunk down a week’s salary for a bag of groceries from Whole Foods, but you can still make healthy choices. Here’s what to eat when you’re broke.

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20 Ways to Build a Whole Food Kitchen on a Half Price Budget

If you’re ready to make a change to a whole foods lifestyle, don’t let your budget hold you back! Here are 20 ways to eat more whole foods on a budget.

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5 Free Things You Can Do for Your Health Every Single Day

Here are five free things you can do for your health every day without spending a penny and taking only a little bit of time.

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Thrifty Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen 2: Ginger and Olive Oil

In this installment of Thrifty Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen, Colette shares her experience with the anti-viral properties of olive oil and ginger.

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Thrifty Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen

No one likes to get sick, but what you might not realize is you may already have some thrifty and powerful herbal medicine in your kitchen!

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How to Build a Home Gym on a Budget

Is it possible to build a home gym on a budget? Yes! These tips will help you maximize at-home workouts while minimizing expenses.

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7 Low Cost Ways to Support Your Immune System

There are many low-cost (and even free) ways to support your immune system. Here are just a few ideas to help you boost your immunity and your morale!

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