Money Problems: Guilt, Shame, and Other Lies
Money problems are universal dilemmas that can happen to anyone, even though some believe they're immune. Financial distress is often accompanied by guilt, shame, and other lies. Here are some ...
Money problems are universal dilemmas that can happen to anyone, even though some believe they're immune. Financial distress is often accompanied by guilt, shame, and other lies. Here are some ...
Is decision fatigue hitting your wallet? If this is where you find yourself, here is what you need to do right now.
Times are stressful. Are you looking for low-cost ways of bringing more joy into your life? Here are a few ideas you may want to consider.
While many people advocate living WITHIN your means, that may not be quite enough. When you live BENEATH your means, there's money left over for a rainy day.
"What is wealth?" Here's a meditation with some eye-opening perspectives for those who may be facing difficult times.
Gratitude Journal: How a modest investment and a little of your time can provide more health benefits than you know and change the way you handle difficult times.
People are panicking about the empty shelves in stores, but there ARE still products available. We just have fewer options for each item than we did before. Here are some ...
How you handle life's challenges as a parent can set an example for your children. Here's how you can use hard times to teach your kids the crucial trait of ...
Wearing it out is one of the most important frugality lessons you can learn. You might be surprised at how much more use you can get from an item someone ...
Mental health issues and money problems can be inextricably linked. This can wreak havoc on both your personal life and your budget.
Sometimes money problems can linger because people believe certain fallacies to be true. Here are 7 lies that perpetually broke people tell themselves about money.
If you’ve got more month than money, here are 50 tasty ways to eat the food in your pantry when you can’t go buy groceries.
Do you enjoy saving a buck more than most people? Here are 25 signs that you might be a frugal living rock star! How many of them apply to you?
“Cheap Eats” are thrifty unglamorous meals that are reasonably filling, quick to make, (cooking utilities add up too), and less than a dollar per serving.