No-Spend Month Challenge: Week 3
Week 3 of the No-Spend Month challenge has passed! How did you fare? To see where our author succeeded and where she failed, click the link!
Week 3 of the No-Spend Month challenge has passed! How did you fare? To see where our author succeeded and where she failed, click the link!
Week 2 of the No-Spend Month has passed. How did you fare? Here are the things that our writer has learned along this journey.
Living in a motel is not ideal, but sometimes life forces your hand. Here are the tips our thrifty author learned from a one-month stay.
Are there ways that a library can save the budget-conscious Frugalite some money? Absolutely! We'll show you how!
Looking to get serious about your personal finances? Then consider embarking on our No-Spend month with us.
Bartering can be a great way to get the goods and services you need as frugally as possible. Here are some time-tested tips...
What are the top ten posts of 2021 here at The Frugalite? What can we glean from our readers from this list? You may be surprised...
Extreme poverty is becoming more common. If you're in a desperate situation and you can't pay your bills, here's how to prioritize in order to survive.
How we react to bad things that happen is the true definition of who we are. Daisy shows that by learning to turn a negative situation into a more positive ...
With America's "fee" system that punishes poor people, here's how one small financial setback can spiral into an inescapable disaster, and some tips for digging your way out.
Sometimes money problems can linger because people believe certain fallacies to be true. Here are 7 lies that perpetually broke people tell themselves about money.
Don’t avoid the sun – bask in it, get Vitamin D safely, and boost your immune system and your happiness while lowering your risk of multiple diseases.
Do you enjoy saving a buck more than most people? Here are 25 signs that you might be a frugal living rock star! How many of them apply to you?
If you’ve got more month than money, here are 50 tasty ways to eat the food in your pantry when you can’t go buy groceries.