
Thrifty Mattress Options That Won’t Break the Bank (or Your Back!)

A good-quality bed is important but it sure can be expensive. Here are some thrifty mattress options to help you get a solid night’s sleep on a dime.

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Gratitude Journal: How a Piece of Paper and a Pen Can Change your Life

Gratitude Journal: How a modest investment and a little of your time can provide more health benefits than you know and change the way you handle difficult times.

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Thrifty Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen

No one likes to get sick, but what you might not realize is you may already have some thrifty and powerful herbal medicine in your kitchen!

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40 Thrifty and Surprising Uses for BREAD TAGS

What to do with those bread tags? Here are 40 thrifty and surprising uses for those little items you have knocking around your junk drawer.

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The Frugalite Holdout: Things I Refuse to Get Rid Of

In the spirit of “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without,” our author shares her version: the trusty Frugalite Holdout.

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Bartering: Get the Services You Need With Cashless Exchanges

Bartering is an excellent way to get the services you need without spending extra cash. Here are a few examples of cashless exchanges in which everybody wins!

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Save Money on Gas by Adding THIS

Want to save money on gas? Our author’s mechanic told her to add this “secret sauce” to the gas tank for improved mileage.

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7 Low Cost Ways to Support Your Immune System

There are many low-cost (and even free) ways to support your immune system. Here are just a few ideas to help you boost your immunity and your morale!

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Low Cost Minty Recipes with Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

Take advantage of the refreshing properties of mint, along with readily available seasonal produce, with these low-cost minty recipes. No other encourage-MINT needed!

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Cheap Eats: Beans, Beans! Good for Your Heart AND Your Budget!

Looking for a tasty meal that won’t bust your budget? Our frugal author shares her TOP SECRET cheap eats recipe: Beans Colette.

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