6 Thrifty Ways to Get Baby Essentials

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I know it’s super hard not to scroll through Amazon with one hand on your expanding bump looking at all of the ADORABLE baby things.

But Mama, let me tell you that you may end up wasting a lot of money! I know I did with my first baby but for my second baby I opted to reuse, recycle, and repurpose everything and it was the best decision I made. Expensive things such as strollers, cots, and bottle makers are readily available for less than half of the full price more often than you think.

Here are my favorite sources


Friends and family: We can’t underestimate the generosity and kindness we have readily available around us. Try asking your neighbors, friends and family to source things for you. Let’s face it- most people know someone who is either pregnant or someone who has kids. People live to solve problems and it may surprise you to know just how powerful your own little network can be.

Other moms: This is a really cool habit to get into. When you join the mommy club, you realize that we help each other out and we also have to clear our babies’ closets at least once a month. Seriously, we appreciate having someone to take it off our hands. It really is a win-win.

Trusty Thrift shops: Who doesn’t love having a good look through tiny baby clothes? The length of time your baby will spend in their clothes is tiny. I’m talking 1-2 weeks in the early days and even less when they’re sick or messy poop a few times a day (which babies are really good at)

Online ads. Everywhere:  I got my formula machine for free from an online ad. The person was also doing a clear out of two bouncers, and a baby bath! So we took the lot. You can strike some real bargains and it’s a great way to pass the time when you’re putting your feet up!

Baby bundles on Facebook marketplace (My personal favorite): As I said, when we moms are decluttering our houses of all of our barely used and super cute baby stuff we are desperate to give it to someone who needs it and appreciates it. The beauty of Facebook marketplace is that you can find “bundles”. So there are toy bundles, baby clothes bundles and some are even giving away almost everything in a mixed bundle. Everything from room thermometers and unopened packets of diapers to baby baths, toys, and everything in between.

Store Sales: I know for some things we prefer to get brand new or it’s recommended you get brand new for safety reasons. Watch the sales for items such as mattresses, baby monitors, and bottles.

Remember: pregnancy lasts 40 weeks

That’s a lot of time to source the things you want and need for your new bundle of joy! Here are some top tips to help:

Don’t opt for big brands: For example, when we were looking for a pram (or stroller as you guys call it in the USA) we were completely shocked by the prices of travel systems. Up to £2000! For a car seat, a stroller, and a carry cot (playpen). After researching brands and looking for local stores having closing-down sales we decided that actually, the cheapest options were totally fine and of course after 4 months of use our baby girl had outgrown her original car seat and pram.

Keep a price-comparison notebook. (Yes, really!): Every time you go into a store note down their prices and look online too. Soon you’ll start to see that there are huge amounts of money than can be saved by shopping around.

Coupons and free samples: Have a good look into what is available around you. Loads of sites have coupons and free samples available and some even have an option to pick up your baby pack from places like Target or Walmart. Free samples of prenatal vitamins, baby toiletries, diapers, and wipes will always come in handy.

I saved a LOT of money during my pregnancy.

I worked out that I saved over $1500 and,  to be honest, I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed treasure hunting for my baby girl. The things I found for free or at a super low price were amazing and most definitely needed! We got everything from her pram to a huge box of brand new unopened pacifiers which we were very very grateful for.

So as you can see, you can get your baby anything and everything they need whilst saving yourself thousands of dollars and the best part is this: with the money you save you can afford to treat yourself a little bit, and you really do deserve it, Mama and Daddy!

Pass it on!

And as your baby grows out of their clothes, cots, toys, and equipment, don’t forget to pop it all onto the marketplace and help out another mom in need. When you sell the items at a reduced price, you’re helping them save and you’re also getting the money you need to purchase the next requirements for your little one.

How did you save money when getting ready for your bundle of joy? Share your ideas in the comments!

6 Thrifty Ways to Get Baby Essentials
Picture of Emily-rose Hartley

Emily-rose Hartley

I'm Emily-rose, age 31, a wife and a mother of two. I'm a brain expert and money-saving enthusiast. What can you expect from me? Mummy stuff, time-saving beauty tips, DIY, and lifestyle hacks!

1 thought on “6 Thrifty Ways to Get Baby Essentials”

  1. Consider cloth diapers especially if you plan on more than one. You can buy second hand barely used possibly just washed. Same with baby carriers and slings

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