21 Frugal Ideas to Decorate Your Home For Fall

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If you are anything like me, you love this time of year, and absolutely love to decorate your home for fall! Those rich oranges, reds, and yellows around my house (even the Halloween decorations) are truly like magic to me. The heat is finally starting to die down, the leaves start to change colors, everything from apple picking to making a new batch of homemade soup every week, I just love it.

Unfortunately, standard decorations can be outrageously expensive. Go to Michael’s Arts and Crafts, TJ Max, or Target, and sure, you’ll find the cutest stuff, but buying only a handful of items will leave you with no funds. I’m not someone who will let that stop me from decorating though, especially when it makes for such fun activities with the kiddos.

While making your home cozy for the upcoming winter weather, here are some ways to also make it look cute!

Inside frugal fall decorations

This section by far has the most ideas. There are just so many ideas you can do. Growing up, we had 2 or 3 big boxes dedicated solely to indoor fall decorations. Here are a few things that we did, and some that I fully intend to try this year.

Let the kids help decorate your home for fall

Decorating is so much more fun when you get the kids involved. Not only does it help, but it creates some amazing lasting memories. Some of my fondest childhood memories were going crazy with decorations all over the house with my mom and little sister. It truly made the holidays special for us.

Wreath and garland DIYs

Wreaths are some of the first things people see when they come over. It can be insanely expensive to buy a brand new wreath (this one alone costs almost $100 – and is made almost completely out of ribbons and burlap.)

Outside fall decorations

Outdoor decorations are some of my favorites! There are so many directions you can take it, and, there tends to be room for lots of big pieces made out of pallets or hay, big pumpkins. The opportunities are truly endless.

What are your favorites?

Do you love to decorate your home for fall as much as I do? I definitely plan to implement some of these ideas around the house this year. What was your favorite idea? What do you use to decorate your home for fall on a budget?

21 Frugal Ideas to Decorate Your Home For Fall
Picture of Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan grew up living with a tight budget. In her late teens and early 20’s all the lessons she’d learned started to slip, like it does for many college age students on their own for the first time, and with their first credit card. As she’s gotten older, she’s started to deal with the repercussions and has taken on a frugal way of living, keeping her costs low, as she pays off debt and saves for her future. Chloe lives in Northern Ontario, Canada, with her cute dog, Rhea.

3 thoughts on “21 Frugal Ideas to Decorate Your Home For Fall”

  1. I just saw a neat idea I wanted to share – after pressing pretty leaves in a book till they are dry and perfectly flat, you can put them in cheap dollar store frames and hang a bunch of them together in a grouping.

    Also, when I was a kid we used to take fall walks to find pretty leaves and tape them together to make a “leaf man” to hang on the door.

    Happy fall!

  2. I don’t necessarily decorate for fall. But I do have one plain grapevine wreath that I decorate ‘seasonally’. Dollar Tree is where I usually go if I need something ‘new’ to spiffy it up (but mostly reuse/save each seasons decorations).

  3. I used to make and sell seasonal wheathes. Dollar stores, Michael’s, Joanns and Walmart stores were all sources of items. Some were flowers in seasonal colors, some were fall scarecrows, chickens, orange pumpkins, ect that created seasonal themes. On the front steps were mums in rich fall colors. Wax dipped fall leaves in shallow baskets and a cornucopia on the dinning table with fall garden harvest items or fall flowers. I don’t redecorate so much anymore in my little home but I do love live flowers on the front steps. This years its big pots of geraniums picked up once they were marked down b to half price. Clean up the spent flowers. Water well and they are filled again with myriads of new flower heads and buds. I’ll save cutting from all of them to root and start new plants for next spring. Some years I fill the shelves at the kitchen windows with the pots of flowers to keep them through the winters. I’ll keeps some but most of those shelves are going to be for sprouting and micro greens for winter eating this year.

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