Thrift Life

Jump Into Spring With These 16 Fun and Frugal Family Activities

Looking for outdoor family activities that cost little to no money? Here are 16 fun and frugal family activities to explore that won’t bust your budget.

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Can Having Patience Save You Cash???

They say patience is a virtue, but can it actually save you some cash? We will let you, Dear Frugalite, be the judge of that for yourself.

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A Weekly Replenishing Routine Makes Me Happy and Grateful

A weekly replenishing routine can set up the week ahead for success and comfort, and it’s also a practice in gratitude.

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An Ounce of Prevention Saves a Pound of Cash: Part 2

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cash. Here’s part 2 on how prevention can save you money big time!

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7 Ways to Save Money on Easter Dinner

We’re “hopping” like crazy to share ideas to help you pinch every penny you can while still making an Easter dinner to remember.

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The Ultimate Guide to a Fun and Frugal Easter

Check out our Ultimate Guide for a Frugal Easter and get our tips on how to celebrate this springtime holiday without breaking the bank.

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Seasonal Ideas for Spring Savings

This time of year is a perfect time for seasonal activities that keep money in your pocket. Check out these ideas for spring savings.

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An Ounce of Prevention Saves a Pound of Cash

While it’s difficult to actually calculate the amount of money saved from things that don’t actually happen we know they cost us. Here are some preventative measures.

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Cheapskate Championships: Where Frugality Triumphs

The Cheapskate Championships are stories of cheapskate redemption, where the very person who called us “cheap” or objected to frugal practices ended up adopting them at a later time. 

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The Five Fave Cheap Things I Use Daily

Do you have any items you just love? It’s even better when you have favorite cheap things you love. Here are Colette’s five faves.

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