Budget Beauty

Natural Hair Care Tips for Thrifty and Beautiful Hair

Looking for natural hair care tips that won’t break the bank? Here, we’ll show you how to keep your hair healthy and gorgeous WITHOUT going broke.

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How to Buy GOOD Used Shoes at the Thrift Store

Can you save money by buying gently used shoes at the thrift store? Absolutely! Here’s what you need to look out for.

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How to Make a Homemade Moisturizer You Could Actually Eat

Don’t want noxious chemical leaching through your skin? Then you’ll love our 3-ingredient homemade moisturizer!

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Why Fast Fashion Isn’t Frugal

That inexpensive outfit might not be much of a bargain in the long run. In a world filled with fast fashion, look for “slow” fashion finds and you could save a lot of cash by getting things that will last and last.

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The 5 Pillars of My No to Low Cost Beauty Routine

These days, it seems like there are more beauty products than ever and they’re EXPENSIVE! Here are 5 tips for a No to Low Cost Beauty Routine.

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