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Why Paying Off Credit Card Debt Is NOT Always the Best Use for Your Money
Here's some unpopular advice. Paying off credit card debt fast is not always the best option for those in dire ...
50 Ways to Eat from Your Pantry When You Have No Money for Groceries
If you've got more month than money, here are 50 tasty ways to eat the food in your pantry when ...
How to Make Frugal Gift Baskets for $10 or Less
Putting inexpensive yet thoughtful items into baskets or other containers, then presenting them festively are great ways to create a ...
Creating a Holiday Budget and Sticking to It
There are two things that make all the difference in the world during the holidays and into the New Year. ...
Here’s How I Afford to Travel Full Time (Without Winning the Lottery)
Here's how I manage to travel the world full-time without hitting the lottery or inheriting a fortune from a long ...
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